Access to Information

Access to Information2020-06-18T13:12:52-04:00

Access to Information

A Floridian’s right to access government information is guaranteed in the State Constitution (Article 1, section 24) and in Florida Statutes (Chapter 119 & Chapter 286.011).

Public Records

Citizens should be able to request a public record from a government agency (state or local) in Florida and have that request fulfilled in a timely manner.

What are Public Records?

Florida’s Public Records Law, Ch. 119, Florida Statutes, provides a right of access to the records of the state and local governments as well as to private entities acting on the government’s behalf.

Section 119.011(12), Florida Statutes, defines “public records” to include: all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, data processing software, or other material, regardless of the physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency.

Public Meetings

Floridians should be notified in advance and have the right to access all government meetings.

What is a Public Meeting?

Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Law, section 286.011, Florida Statutes, commonly referred to as the “Sunshine Law”, provides a right of access to governmental proceedings of public boards or commissions at both the state and local levels.

The law is equally applicable to elected and appointed boards and applies to any gathering of two or more members of the same board to discuss some matter which will foreseeably come before that board for action.  Members-elect to such boards or commissions are also subject to the Sunshine Law, even though they have not yet taken office.

There are three basic requirements of section 286.011, Florida Statutes:

(1)  meetings of public boards or commissions must be open to the public;

(2)  reasonable notice of such meetings must be given; and

(3)  minutes of the meetings must be taken and promptly recorded.

More on Florida Public Records and Meetings –

View the 2020 Edition: Government in the Sunshine Manual

Visit the Florida Attorney General’s Website:

Research Publications

Budget Transparency in the Sunshine State

Download the full PDF report here

December 2012

Executive Summary

According to a March 2012 report by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG) titled
“Following the Money 2012,” Florida received a D grade (59/100) on a report card of how the 50
states rate in providing online access to government spending data. […]

Public Resources

How to File a Public Records Request in Florida

If you wish to file a public records request with a state agency and/or local government, including but not limited to school boards, town councils, city commissions, county commissions, water management districts, economic development agencies, etc.

Click and download this free Public Records Request Template Here 

Notice of Fees and Charges:

It is important for Floridians to understand that although many public records are provided at no cost, there may be charges for extensive use of staff time and resources according to section 119.07(4) in the Florida Statutes.

Important State of Florida Access to Information Resources

Florida Transparency Website Database

Website:  FloridaSunshine.Gov  A compilation of state government transparency websites.

State of Florida Program and Services Monitor

Website: Florida Government Program Summaries  A monitor of State programs and services provided by the Florida Legislature

Laws, Regulations, and Code

Florida Legislature Statutes, Constitution, and Laws


Florida Department of State’s Administrative Code and Regulations

Website:  The Department of State’s Administrative Code contains the rules that have been developed by state agencies in order to implement state laws.


Accounting and Financing

State of Florida Accounting and Financing 

Website: Transparency Florida (State Finances)  Accounting and finance information for the entire state of Florida

State of Florida Budget and Spending 

Website: Transparency Florida (State Budget) Budget and spending information for Florida as appropriated.

Florida Government Budget Documents

Website: Florida Fiscal Portal  Readable budget related documents submitted by Florida’s Governor, Legislature, and State Agencies

State of Florida Employee Payroll and Pension

Website: Florida Has a Right to Know

Contracts and Procurement

List of Government Vendor Charts and Contracts

Website: State of Florida Chief Financial Officer  Provides open data access to information on more than 42,000 state government vendor contracts.

State of Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System

Website: Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System (FACTS)  Search state contracts by agency, vendor, or value.

Best Practices

Sunlight Foundation – Open Data Policy Guidelines and Open Data Policy Hub

Website: opendataguidelines/  Provides an Open Data Policy Hub and guidelines on what data should be open or available to the public, how to make data available to the public, and how to implement policy.

New York State – Open Data Website

Website:  Provides comprehensive and streamlined access to New York State’s government information. New York permits consumers and citizens to access and use all non-confidential information that is related to taxpayer funded programs.

Florida should do the same.

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